May 19, 2009

3D clown

this is one of a job i was busy about for my employer previously. it's one of a animated icon for gaming machine. all done in Cinema 4D include modeling, lighting and rigging. i only use procedural shader so there're no UV and images mapping involve. i have to mention that i have used Cactus Dan's character rigging plugin to do the job. i strongly recommend it if you also work on character animation with C4D. i personal can't leave without it..

by the way, the animated gif quality looks awful due to color palette limitation. and it looks so slow on Safari browser.. anyway. it shows how it animates.. :) njoy!

May 7, 2009

DaFunk Birthday logo

i did this logo add-on for my client DaFunk couple months ago. obviously his music brand has 1 year old and they had a music event at that time, and would like to put something fun and cheerful on his existing monkey head logo. i'm so appreciate that he likes my cartoon style and would like me to apply for his add-on logo. so here's my first sharing after silent for awhile.. :)

May 2, 2009

it's been awhile...

oh.. it's really been a long while i didn't post anything... the most lousy attitude to maintain a blog is not posting anything but not lazy. oh well, thanks God i'm still breathing and still have chances to get it over..

i've been pretty busy for the passed few months include rushing projects for my employer and freelancing. i've also fallen sick in the middle. anyway, wish i could sort out all stuff and share with you very soon..