Oct 2, 2009

Upload your tee design and sale immediately at MySoti

Chocolate Flavour tee by landhell. Available from MySoti.com.i've uploaded this old design for sale at MySoti. this is a place that where designers can upload original artwork and turn it into awesome, real-life products for sale that they print and ship out to customers worldwide for you no hassle! isn't that great? oh by the way, if you like this design, go get one will ya!


  1. Oh..yeah...i remember this Tee design. Very very creative.hahaha!!

  2. never mind old design, every person has own taste! and Ahfatt, you really give me tips in Tee industry, you are a nice dude.
    i want to join this great site, too! thankssss!

  3. I love this design! :D
